Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Karibu! That means "welcome" in Swahili. Swahili is what we were learning when this picture was taken back in 2003 in Western Kenya. In case you're wondering what that animal is, it's a sheep. The Omolo family kept a few of them tethered about the grounds, keeping the grass clipped to a perfect length. They did give you a bit of a surprise if you accidentally bumped into one at night while on your way to the latrine. This picture was taken by our host, Nelson Omolo whose family's hospitality is never to be forgotten. We slept in that hut called a "simba" and we fondly call it our honeymoon cottage. Its walls were made of sticks, mud, and cow dung, and the roof was thatched. Actually, it was the best place we had lived in since our marriage a year prior. It was cool during the day, warm at night and kept the rain off beautifully. I can remember lying on the bed inside at night listening to the amazing musical and rhythmic sounds of the nocturnal birds, bats and insects. Before this, we had been living in Laura's parents' garage and before that the tent in the backyard. My, we were all about saving money in those days!

1 comment:

  1. [laughing] You guys were meant to go to Africa. I can't believe your standard of living went up.
