Thursday, May 7, 2009

If You Don't Brave the Rain, You Miss Out on the Rainbows

The tale of today's glorious walk in the gorge:

It had just finished raining so the sun made everything sparkle as the cloud shadows chased themselves across the vivid green grass. How could I refuse a walk on such an afternoon? I sprinted beside the field adjacent to the house where Jacob grew up pausing a moment to admire:

Upon climbing a long hill I saw this:

And this:

Springtime walks are not complete without stopping to say hello to the flowers:

I also paused to admire someone's very imaginative lawn ornament:

The gorge has many steep hills to climb. The breeze was picking up. By the time I got to the top of this hill I felt a little bit winded and windblown:

When I rounded the peak of the hill I realized why the wind was picking up. Great angry clouds were making their way up the gorge:

I quickened my pace, but soon the great storm fingers captured the sun and blocked it out:

I was soaked to the skin in minutes and then it was over as quickly as it had begun. The sun came out dazzling. I swung around searching for the rainbow and found it - a brilliant arc that lasted less than twenty seconds before the clouds lifted away. By the time I reached for my camera it was already fading:

After pausing to take it all in, I happily sloshed and dripped my way back home, stopping only for a minute to admire Hannah's garden before going inside to dry:

Life is beautiful. So is Spring.


  1. Sigh. I love the Gorge. And I love spring. The two together are overwhelmingly stunning. Lucky!

  2. Absolutely stunning photos - the colors are amazing. Makes me miss home :(

    - Susan (Eric's friend from way back)

  3. Your pictures are amazing. What a beautiful area to go for a hike.

  4. Do you live by Hannah (Jacob's sister Hannah)and her family?
