Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Just a Little Bit Off the Top

Jacob has been in desperate need of a hair chop. Each time I cut it I comment on how he has less on top to chop :). We finally got around to chopping the other night and the camera happened to be sitting nearby. We took an initial picture to document the event, which, of course, degenerated into us trying to be as goofy as possible. Which picture is your favorite?

Exhibit 1

Exhibit 2

Exhibit 3

That last one is truly scary looking. Especially with the red eye. Jacob looks like he's about to get a lobotomy! Don't worry, the haircut turned out just fine, scalp intact, and we dissolved into giggles after seeing that last one :)

Here's something else in our kitchen that needs a haircut.
This must be what happens when you leave onions out in the warmth and sunlight. I must say, we have enjoyed watching them sprout over the last few days.


  1. My favorite is exhibit 3 hands down. I've never seen you so menacing! :D

  2. I'm with Maria, exhibit 3 is awesome. The look on your face is the best!
