Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Whirlwind February Trip

We found out in January that Jacob's friend and colleague from Kenya was going to be visiting Montana State University in Bozeman for his work with Engineers Without Borders. It is a rare and choice opportunity to visit with old friends that we meet during our trips in Africa, so we decided to make the effort to drive out to see Ronald. I have the great fortune of having cousins all over the northwest and midwest, and I knew that my cousin Kay and her husband Marvin and their family have been living in Bozeman for years. They very graciously hosted us while we stayed in Bozeman and we had a lovely time with them. We used Jacob's sister's' van for the trip so that we could help her brother-in-law move all his things down to Murray, Utah (just a slight detour). After we dropped him off there, we spent the night and a few hours the next morning visiting with my parents in Sandy, then we were off to Montana. I slept most of the time while Jacob drove, so the driving seemed to fly by.

My Cousin Kay, her husband Marvin and one of their two daughters.

We really enjoyed catching up on the news from Ronald.

We went to the Museum of the Rockies and we did a short hike around Bozeman. It's a lovely place. Jacob and I decided we wouldn't mind living there someday. Of course, we weren't there when it was 20 below!

Bozeman from above.

We, of course, had to leave sooner than we wanted to due to responsibilities back in Portland. It worked out that we were able to swing by Rexburg and spend some precious time with my brother James, his wife Katie, and their cutie pie Ava. I am such a super proud Auntie :) It is so fun to see my brother be such a great daddy. Katie totally rocks as a Mom, too (not to mention being a super sister-in-law). Great job guys!

1 comment:

  1. Wahoo!!! How fun to be able to see what you've been up to since those byu days! I most loved your thunder and lightning post! Sigh. Utah just doesn't deliver when it comes to breath taking, goosebumping thunderstorms. Watching that video of the huge lightning bolt that lit up the whole sky was AWESOME!!! It has been pittering a bit of rain today, so I opened the windows for the 'fresh rain smell' and watched the video to my heart's content. (Oh-and as far as making a fool of yourself with your comments after the strike- I think you held it in REALLY well. I'da been sreeching and screaming, jostling the camera all over the place in my ferver. :) ) Anyway. Good to see you, even if through a blog. I'm so excited for your future adoption. You guys are gonna be great parents. What lucky kids. :)
