Sunday, March 29, 2009

So much has happened...Where to begin?

As you can tell from the large space in time between the last post and this one, we've been... I'm wondering if I should use "busy" or "extremely industrious in other matters besides blogging". Hmm... Since Jacob tends to poke fun at me when I use seven words when one will do just fine, I guess we'll just use "busy" and bold it a little for emphasis. :)

The summary:

Laura worked a lot and Jacob applied for a lot of jobs.

We were nearly snowed in at Christmas.

We traveled to Utah, Montana, and Idaho.

We visited family often.

Laura discovered and caught up with many loved friends and family - another culprit behind the large time gap seen here :). It's been great catching up with everyone!

Two more nieces were born and yet another is on the way. Yay!

We were officially approved as an adoptive couple. Quadruple Yay!

We moved to a lovely new place.

We got our tax refund and sold some furniture we didn't need on craigslist and used that to help with the following event.

We bought a "new" car!

Jacob got a great job lead (finally!)

And there's more, but if I keep going I'll get overwhelmed and won't do another post. So you'll have to read the details in the following posts. :)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on all your exciting achievements! New cars are always fun and I hope Jacob gets the job you wrote about. I also hope you get to be parents soon!!!!
